DATAFLOW Runtime Version 3.0.3
Changes |
- This release only contains Bugfixes. See the following list below.
Bug fixes |
ID 3781: An examle in the EmbOS runtime package is missing ID 3782: Count Leading Zeros implementation does not work on STM32G0B1 ID 3785: Missing scoped names when the global using is disabled in EmbOS Runtime ID 3786: Doxygen Issue in Runtime Build ID 3791: Multiple PC Lint issues in Imt.Base-cpp
DATAFLOW Runtime Version 2.7.2
Changes |
- HAL STM32F767: Enhancements from development projects have been merged to Runtime version 2.7.2
- CAN: is now added to the runtime
- DMA: deInit and isFlagSet is now available
- FLASH: Add wait on erase
- GPIO: Port address issue in EXTI config is now fixed
- I2C: deInit, setResetState, configureTx, configureRx, isStartGenerationPending is now available
- PWR: enterStopMode
- QSPI: deInit, readData, writeData is now available
- RCC: resetPeripheral is now available
- SPI: deInit, enableRxDma, enableTxDma, clearRxFifo is now available
- USART: missing Baud_576000 is now added, deInit, isOverrunErrorDetected, clearOREFlag, isTransmissionComplete is now available
- HAL STM32F769: A new HAL including some examples are now available for the Runtime v.2.7.2
Bug fixes |
ID 6002: HAL STM32F767 does now compile without export to global namespace ID 6030: Timer ID Wraparound
DATAFLOW Runtime Version 2.7.1
Changes |
- The examples have been re-worked and added to packages that come with the installer
- Improved documentation for the DATAFLOW Runtime
Bug fixes |
ID 4661: The IAR platform folder is getting cleaned up now ID 4853: Fix for a failing unit test in a binary package - SAT ID 4856: Fix for the binary Runtime when no BSP is defined ID 5850: The index in the Remoting library is now correct (it was off by 1) ID 5823: The single quotes where removed from number literals ID 5957*: Runtime Protocol Identifiers now match with Dataflow Studio implementation ID 4558: Build scripts do not fail anymore if the path contains a space character ID 4579: The Platform.h header file was cleaned up ID 4580: The order of instructions in the test base setup / tear down was corrected ID 5747: The buffer size in the EmbOS Runtime Core was adjusted to the required value ID 5827: An access specifier was added to the Runtime ID 5828: The memcpy parameters have been adjusted to the correct values ID 4727: The test coverage report for packages was removed
DATAFLOW Runtime Version 2.6.2
Bug fixes |
ID 6034: Fixed IRQ Nesting for NIOS2 Runtime
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