Work with Solutions in DATAFLOW Designer
Open Project
To open an existing project,
- Click on the open button in the ‘File’ ribbon.
- Then click the browse button and select a project directory in the Windows Explorer dialog.
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the DATAFLOW project folder.
- Double click the *.dfs file.
If the ‘project has been opened before, it can also be selected form the recent list.
You can press Ctl + O to open a project from a directory.
Save Project
To save a project,
- Click the save button
To save a project to a new directory,
- Click the Save as button in the file ribbon (or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + S).
This allows you to create a copy of the project. Further save actions (see above) will save the project in the new location.
Close Project
To close the current project,
- Press close in the file ribbon. If the project has unsaved changes, a dialog will allow you to save it first or to keep it open instead.
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